Shopping at GoldSeaSwimwear is very simple.
Choose the product you want by clicking on the «product" correspondent. Search for the brand that interests you and, once chosen, you will be able to see the entire range available. Once you have chosen the productby pressing the «buttonTo buy»It will appear again with its unit price and an indication of the number of units you want. You can add as many products as you want to the purchase. You can also remove a selected product by clicking on the X that appears to the left of each reference. Every time you add or remove a product, the total amount of your order will be recalculated.
When you have finished your order, press «Finish Purchase«.
If you are already a client, enter your e-mail and your password. If you are not, you can pay without registering (although an automatic user will be generated with the information you give to verify purchase and possible problems).
You will see the data of your order: the delivery address and the payment method to choose. For more information go to the section «Frequent questions»From the footer at the bottom of the page.